Your Set Scouter rates should be based on:

  • A cast and crew size of about 15 people
  • Daytime hours (between 6am - 9pm)
  • Use of all spaces displayed on your listing

We can also suggest a price for your listing if you need some help. All Set Scouter suggested pricing is competitive and based on our experience with listings similar to yours in your area. This is a great starting point and you can update or change the price at any time. Please ensure that you have at least five photos of your space so that we can suggest a more accurate rate.

You can ask for pricing help in a few steps:

  1. Log in to your Set Scouter account and navigate to your listings
  2. Click on "Edit Listing"
  3. Navigate to the "Pricing" tab
  4. Select: Not sure how much to charge?

Screenshot of the Set Scouter my listing with a red box around the "Not sure how much to charge?" prompt

Screenshot of the Set Scouter my listing with a red box around the "Not sure how much to charge?" prompt

Please keep in mind that producers may request a different rate when they reach out. We allow negotiation on our platform and it is your decision to accept or decline a production request. If you're not interested, simply let the producer know.

If you'd like Set Scouter to suggest a price for your listing, you can request a recommendation from our listing support team. You can submit the request while editing the price on your listing or send an email to