Once your booking request is accepted by the location, your credit card will be charged for 20% of the rental and Set Scouter’s service fee. Our team will follow up with invoices for the remainder of the location rental and security deposit, along with the insurance requirements.
Both invoices will need to be paid in full before the shoot. Once the payments have been received, they are all held by Set Scouter in escrow until after the production.
We will check in with both parties the morning after the production to make sure that everything went smoothly. Once we confirm that everything went well, the rental is sent to the location and the security deposit is released.
We only collect credit card payments for the safety and security of our community. If you require an alternative payment method, please reach out to your account manager or email help@setscouter.com
Booking and processing all payments through Set Scouter helps ensure that you're protected under our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Code of Conduct, Cancellation and Refund Policies, and other safeguards. Set Scouter cannot provide these benefits, and is not responsible, if your production hasn’t booked locations through our platform.